認證的話題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/bd-p/databricks-certification-discussion 認證的話題 星期四,2023年8月10 14:21:40格林尼治時間 databricks-certification-discussion 2023 - 08 - 10 - t14:21:40z 磚認證——暫停 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-suspended/m-p/39412 M246 < P > < SPAN >我在一個至關重要的情況下,我需要提交考試結果立即分配到一個項目,在公司生存。我當時沒有做任何malfunctionalities暫停考試。請理解我的處境,回複並盡快安排考試。

      1. I used a mobile hotspot to write the exam and placed my mobile 2 feet away from me.
      2. The proctor asked to show the environment, I showed the environment but they suspended. 
      3. Please kindly understand the situation and provide the best solution.
結婚,09年2023年8月06:15:11格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-suspended/m-p/39412 M246 Karthikeyandev 2023 - 08 - 09 - t06:15:11z
https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/unreadable-title/m-p/39411 M245 星期四,2023年8月10 02:28:25格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/unreadable-title/m-p/39411 M245 KP_1705 2023 - 08 - 10 - t02:28:25z 磚認證考試得到了奧。需要幫助解決這個問題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-exam-got-suspened-need-help-in/m-p/39408 M248 < P >嗨團隊,< / P > < P >我的磚考試有奧09th 2023年8月,它仍在奧的狀態。我提出了一個支持請求使用下麵鏈接< / P > < P > < a href = " https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType =培訓”目標= "平等" rel = " nofollow noopener noreferrer " > https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType =培訓< / > < / P > < P >我的請求Id是< SPAN > # 00356541 < / SPAN > < / P > < P >我真的很想把這個問題盡快解決,這樣我就可以把我的考試很快。< / P > < P >我現在在項目之間和想要一個項目,我可以親自在磚上。有出現在考試和證書將幫助我選擇一個磚項目。< / P > < P >考慮這請采取行動,幫助我盡快解決這個問題。

@Kaniz @Vidula_Khanna @VartikaNain 

結婚,09年2023年8月04:50:57格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-exam-got-suspened-need-help-in/m-p/39408 M248 Karthikeyandev 2023 - 08 - 09 - t04:50:57z
我的考試被暫停了,需要幫助(07/08/2023) https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/my-exam-got-suspended-need-help-07-08-2023/m-p/39224 M240

Hello Team, 

I encountered Pathetic experience while attempting my 1st Data Bricks certification. Abruptly, Proctor asked me to show my desk, after showing he/she asked multiple times. wasted my time and then I tell them that the eye movement detector is not working properly because My face is on screen and my eyes also but again and again the msg is on my screen is eye movement detect. and then they suspended my exam 

I want to file a complaint as I was not involved in any unfair means. Also, I want to request another chance. 

This is serious, I have paid and attempted exam ethically. I was not expecting this behavior a from proctor. I had few personal items like bottles and credit card lying around desk. this doesn't mean I was cheating. 

Please resolve this on high priority. 

Below are details:

username: aravind.suresh@beinex.com

Exam: Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate V3

Time: 7 August 2023 1000H Asia/Calcutta

Proctor asked me to connect with https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType=training, I didn't received ticket number.




 @Vidula Khanna, @Priyadarshini G 

媽,07年8月2023 05:43:02 GMT https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/my-exam-got-suspended-need-help-07-08-2023/m-p/39224 M240 Aravind20 2023 - 08年- 07 - t05:43:02z
我的考試已經暫停,迫切需要幫助(05/08/2023) https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/my-exam-has-suspended-need-help-urgently-05-08-2023/m-p/39222 M239


Hello Team, 

I encountered Pathetic experience while attepting my 1st Data Bricks certification. Abruptly, Proctor asked me to show my desk, after showing he/she asked multiple times. wasted my time and then I tell them that the eye movement detector is not working properly because My face is on screen and my eyes also but again and again the msg is on my screen is eye movement detect. and then they suspended my exam 

I want to file a complaint as I was not involved in any unfair means. Also, I want to request another chance. 

This is serious, I have paid and attempted exam ethically. I was not expecting this behavior a from proctor. I had few personal items like bottles and credit card lying around desk. this doesn't mean I was cheating. 

Please resolve this on high priority. 

Below are details:

username: firoz.ansari@nuvento.com

Exam: Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark

Time: 5 August 2023 1300H Asia/Calcutta

Proctor asked me to connect with https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType=training, I didn't received ticket number.




 @Vidula Khanna, @Priyadarshini G 

媽,07年8月2023 06:00:22 GMT https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/my-exam-has-suspended-need-help-urgently-05-08-2023/m-p/39222 M239 FirozAhmad 2023 - 08年- 07 - t06:00:22z
磚注冊數據工程師專業的暫停。需要幫助解決這個問題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certified-data-engineer-professional-suspension-need/m-p/39197 M237

Hi all,

I have given the online exam for Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional on 6th August 2023. During my exam, my session got suspended by the proctor even though I was well-seated and wasn't looking away from my screen because of which I was unable to complete my exam. I even raise a ticket for the same on https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType=training page but the no response (not even a ticket confirmation). Can anyone please guide me on how can I resolve this issue?

太陽,06年2023年8月11:43:14格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certified-data-engineer-professional-suspension-need/m-p/39197 M237 Alterlion88 2023 - 08 - 06 - t11:43:14z
學院測試”部署工作負載與磚工作流”——筆記本在偏遠的Git https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/academy-quiz-quot-deploy-workloads-with-databricks-workflows/m-p/39083 M234 < P >你好!

One of the questions in the quiz is the following:


Single Choice
A data engineer has a notebook in a remote Git repository. The data from the notebook needs to be ingested into a second notebook that is hosted in Databricks Repos.


Which of the following approaches can the data engineer use to meet the above requirements? Select one response.

The data engineer can configure the notebook in a new local remote repository as a job and make it a dependency of the second notebook.

  1. The data engineer can configure the notebook in a new local remote repository as a job and make it a dependency of the second notebook.
  2. The data engineer can configure the notebook in the remote repository as a task and make it a dependency of the second notebook.
  3. [MARKED CORRECT] The data engineer can configure the notebook in the remote repository as a job and make the second notebook dependent on it.
  4. The data engineer can configure the notebook in a new local repository as a task and make the second notebook dependent on it.
  5. The data engineer can configure the notebook in a new local repository as a job and make the second notebook dependent on it.

I'm not sure if this is correct. I think the right answer would be (B)

The data engineer can configure the notebook in the remote repository as a task and make it a dependency of the second notebook.

I don't think you can have an entire job as a dependency, can you?


星期五,2023年8月04 07:53:37格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/academy-quiz-quot-deploy-workloads-with-databricks-workflows/m-p/39083 M234 RaccoonRadio 2023 - 08 - 04 - t07:53:37z
學院測試”管理數據與三角洲湖”——複製 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/academy-quiz-quot-manage-data-with-delta-lake-quot-copy-into/m-p/38914 M225 < P >你好!< / P > < P >我現在在測試“三角洲湖管理數據”從課程”數據工程師學習計劃(公眾)”。有以下問題和正確的答案。< / P > < P >問:必須滿足下列條件的數據加載增量複製到命令?選擇三種反應。< / P > < P >正確答案根據評估:[X]必須在JSON或CSV格式的數據。< / P > < P >這似乎是不正確的。文檔的格式表示源文件加載可以CSV之一,JSON, AVRO,獸人,拚花,文本,BINARYFILE。< / P > < P >還是我missunderstanding嗎? < / P > 結婚,2023年8月02 11:18:24格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/academy-quiz-quot-manage-data-with-delta-lake-quot-copy-into/m-p/38914 M225 RaccoonRadio 2023 - 08 - 02 - t11:18:24z 火花副Developer 3.0考試了 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/spark-associate-developer-3-0-exam-suspended/m-p/38871 M223

Hi Databricks, 

I gave exam yesterday and created tickets yesterday on 07/31/2023. I was into the exam and 15 mins into the exam I received an Alert to have the angles kept straight and support resumed the exam without any trouble. After one hour again I got same alert this time I was asked to wait till the support shows and support ask me to show around and I showed around making sure he was able to see everything asked for.@Cert-Team There was nothing suspicious or wrongdoing happening still support asked to process 5 minutes and then messaged my exam is suspended. I asked but wasn't provided any answer as to why it was suspended. Kryterion redirected me to raise a ticket at 


I have created multiple tickets yesterday.

Exam Name : Databricks Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark 3.0 - Scala

kryterian userId : goheldaxes1287@students@itu.edu

My ticket numbers are.

#00353215 for exam suspended

#00353177 Exam errors Reschedule request

#00352978 Reschedule request beyond voucher period

@Cert-Team  @Kaniz Please allow me to reappear, finish or reschedule the exam. This exam is very important for me so Your earliest response would be helpful for my future schedules. please Let me know if I can use the same voucher and if that can allow me to reappear for the exam after reviewing my case.

Thank you. 

星期二,2023年8月01 21:09:43格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/spark-associate-developer-3-0-exam-suspended/m-p/38871 M223 dg111 2023 - 08 - 01 - t21:09:43z
DE WebAssessor認證——問題聯係起來 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/de-associate-certification-issues-with-webassessor/m-p/38862 M218 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我最近完成了Lakehouse基本麵和數據工程V2課程,希望參加認證考試獲得徽章,而材料仍然是新鮮的在我的腦海裏。< / P > < P >我遇到一個問題與WebAssessor當試圖注冊數據工程助理認證考試。在屏幕上選擇考試日期後,我無法進入下一個屏幕,除非我提供憑證。因為我沒有任何憑證,我無法繼續下一步。< / P > < P >也可以讓我在以某種方式獲得代金券?當我準備支付200美元費用如果需要,作為最近研究生努力維持生計艱難的市場,我很感激在這方麵我可以得到任何金融支持。

Thanks in advance.




星期二,2023年8月01 18:43:48格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/de-associate-certification-issues-with-webassessor/m-p/38862 M218 arogya 2023 - 08 - 01 - t18:43:48z
認證更新——怎麼做 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certification-renewal-how-to-do-that/m-p/38804 M211 < P >你好人,< / P > < P >關於認證更新的問題。應該怎麼做呢?有任何特殊的路徑更新認證(象微軟)或者你需要奪回從抓考試? < / P > 星期二,2023年8月01 05:19:23格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certification-renewal-how-to-do-that/m-p/38804 M211 daniel_sahal 2023 - 08 - 01 - t05:19:23z 磚考試被暫停了 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-exam-got-suspended/m-p/38795 M210

Hi Team,

My Databricks Certified Data Engineer Associate (Version 2) exam got suspended on 30th July and it is in progress state.

I was there continuously in front of the camera and suddenly the alert appeared, and support person asked me to show the full table and I have shown the entire room and table twice. And I am not sure why the support person still suspended my exam. As there was nothing suspicious. Please solve this issue. I really need to get the certification and its really important for my project. Please I am requesting you please resolve this issue as soon as possible.

I was in the middle of the exam and it was going well. 

Please let me know If you can resume my exam or if you can reschedule the same for anyday. 

I have raised the request in the below link:


request id - #00353165

My webassessor account - nidhigarg2703@gmail.com

Please resolve this issue. Its really very important.

Thanks & Regards,

Nidhi Garg

星期二,2023年8月01 00:45:56格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-exam-got-suspended/m-p/38795 M210 Nidhigarg 2023 - 08 - 01 - t00:45:56z
磚認證考試的暫停。需要幫助解決這個問題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-exam-got-suspended-need-help-in/m-p/38781 M207 < P >嗨團隊,< / P > < P >我正在在線考試磚認證數據工程師助理,現在是下午5點。在考試我的會話被暫停了。普氏即使我在我的座位,看著相機。我不能再繼續我的考試。< / P > < P >提出了以下機票:# 00352808 < / P > < P >請指導在這個問題上。由於< / P > 星期一,2023年7月31日13:58:39格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/databricks-certification-exam-got-suspended-need-help-in/m-p/38781 M207 Firefly1998 2023 - 07 - 31 - t13:58:39z 證書/徽章沒有收到 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certificate-badge-not-received/m-p/38766 M206 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我已經通過了磚注冊數據工程師助理(版本3)考試7月28日,但是我還沒有收到證書。< / P > < P >我在credentials.m.eheci.com上,但是當我輸入我的電子郵件地址返回錯誤說明它不能找到任何證書與我的電子郵件地址。< / P > < P >我有開了票的支持,但從未收到任何確認電子郵件在垃圾郵件(也不)。< / P > < P >有人好心的幫助嗎?提前謝謝你。< / P > 星期一,2023年7月31日09:05:24格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certificate-badge-not-received/m-p/38766 M206 JuRo 2023 - 07 - 31 - t09:05:24z 如何上傳數據lakehouse參加數據工程培訓後證書嗎 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/how-to-upload-data-lakehouse-certificate-after-attending-the/m-p/38733 M205

I attended Get Started with Data Engineering on Databricks training on 26th July But I didnt receive any survey mail to upload data lakehouse certificate to get free voucher. Please let me know if there is any procedure.Thanks

星期一,2023年7月31日05:03:42格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/how-to-upload-data-lakehouse-certificate-after-attending-the/m-p/38733 M205 克裏斯托弗 2023 - 07 - 31 - t05:03:42z
億萬富翁腦電波檢查- 2023解鎖你的思想的力量 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/billionaire -大腦-波-審核- 2023解鎖- -權力的your/m p/38591 # M204 < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < DIV > < H2 > <強>億萬富翁腦電波是什麼?< /強> < / H2 > < / DIV > < / DIV > < / DIV > < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < P >億萬富翁大腦波導作為綜合資源,旨在幫助個人解鎖他們的真正潛力。由一個專家小組在神經科學、心理學、和個人發展,本指南是一個路線圖解鎖隱藏你的大腦的功能。< / P > < P >在這介紹,我們將深入研究解鎖你的潛在的重要性以及如何積極地影響你的生活的方方麵麵。通過釋放你的潛能,你打開自己無盡的可能性和機會,一旦超出了你的範圍。< / P > < P > <字體大小= " 4 " > <你> <強> < A href = " https://5bf753klw1ko4l7y7m27pgjp3q.hop.clickbank.net " target = " _self”>點擊這裏打開你的潛能與億萬富翁腦波。< / > < /強> < / U > < / FONT > < / P > < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < DIV > < P > <強>的好處億萬富翁腦波< /強> < / P > < / DIV > < / DIV > < / DIV > < DIV class = " " > < DIV class = " " > < P >使用腦波夾帶個人成長提供了眾多的好處,可以幫助開發你的潛能,提高你的生活的各個方麵。腦電波夾帶技術涉及到同步你的腦電波特定頻率通過使用音頻或視覺刺激,諸如雙耳節拍或同時的音調。< / P > < P >腦電波夾帶的主要好處之一是其提高注意力和專注力的能力。通過吸入你的腦電波到所需的頻率,你可以提高你的專注於任務的能力,吸收信息,並提高了整體生產力。這可能是特別有利於學生,專業人士,任何想提高他們的認知能力。 Click here to unlock your full potential with the Billionaire Brain Wave.

Where to Buy the Billionaire Brain Wave Guide

The Billionaire Brain Wave guide by Dr. Summers is available for purchase on the official website. It is recommended to buy directly from the official source to ensure authenticity and access to any updates or additional resources that may be provided. Simply visit the website and follow the instructions to secure your copy of this life-changing guide.

Tips for Maximizing the Effectiveness of the Billionaire Brain Wave

To maximize the effectiveness of the Billionaire Brain Wave guide, consistency and dedication are key. Make it a habit to practice the techniques outlined in the guide daily. Set aside dedicated time each day for meditation, visualization, and affirmations to synchronize your brainwaves and optimize your mental state.

Additionally, surround yourself with a supportive network of individuals who believe in your potential. Share your journey with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and accountability. By creating a positive and nurturing environment, you will enhance the power of the Billionaire Brain Wave and amplify your chances of success.Click here to unlock your full potential with the Billionaire Brain Wave.


星期四,2023年7月27日18:53:30格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/billionaire -大腦-波-審核- 2023解鎖- -權力的your/m p/38591 # M204 Bloodgtrf 2023 - 07 - 27 - t18:53:30z
考試被暫停了 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/exam-got-suspended/m-p/38485 M196 < P >你好,< / P > < P > 2023年7月26日,我的磚頭認證數據工程師助理(版本2)考試有暫停開始直接沒有任何警告就暫停1 - 2分鍾內。我提出一個案例的數據磚幫助說我會得到一個確認電子郵件。< / P > < P >你能請讓我知道如果我們可以安排在同一注冊或從我身邊如果需要別的嗎?< / P > < P >謝謝。< / P > 結婚,2023年7月26日11:21:40格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/exam-got-suspended/m-p/38485 M196 Subhana 2023 - 07 - 26 - t11:21:40z 生成AI -證書和徽章沒有收到 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/generative-ai-certificate-and-badge-not-received/m-p/38426 M191 < P >親愛的認證小組,我最近完成了課程生成AI和還沒有收到我的證書和徽章。Request your help to resolve this issue. 

星期二,2023年7月25日22:09:43格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/generative-ai-certificate-and-badge-not-received/m-p/38426 M191 SPuchnanda 2023 - 07 - 25 - t22:09:43z
證書和徽章沒有收到 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certificate-and-badge-not-received/m-p/38425 M190 < P >親愛的認證小組,我還沒有收到我的證書和徽章,我最近清除。Can you please check and let me know if you need any details 

Data engineer Associate 

Data engineer Professional 

星期二,2023年7月25日21:28:10格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/certificate-and-badge-not-received/m-p/38425 M190 Msandeep7 2023 - 07 - 25 - t21:28:10z
無法安排磚認證 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/unable-to-schedule-databricks-certification/m-p/38418 M187 < P >我有三次試圖安排一個磚副開發者認證,但成功提交後支付部分,稍後在“收據”它說“取消”的地位。  I checked no payment was charged on card too.

But i am unable to schedule the certification. Attaching screenshot.
I had also raised ticket on https://help.m.eheci.com/s/contact-us?ReqType=training
but I did not get email from databricks regarding this ticket.

星期二,2023年7月25日20:52:53格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/certifications/unable-to-schedule-databricks-certification/m-p/38418 M187 sandeeps接續之前 2023 - 07 - 25 - t20:52:53z