培訓產品主題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/bd-p/databricks-training-discussion 培訓產品主題 星期二,2023年8月22日22:22:48格林尼治時間 databricks-training-discussion 2023 - 08 - 22 - t22:22:48z 波多黎各高爾夫度假村 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/puerto-rico-golf-resorts/m-p/40903 M132 < P >波多黎各的高爾夫度假勝地提供世界級的高爾夫球和豪華的田園詩般的混合放鬆。驚人的沿海風景和茂盛的綠葉,這些旅遊勝地迎合高爾夫愛好者尋找具有挑戰性的課程和驚人的觀點。劍魚高檔球道的海灘的原始鏈接帕爾馬斯德爾,波多黎各的高爾夫度假勝地提供多種選擇球員的技能水平。經過一天的蔬菜,沉湎於水療、遊泳池休息室,和品嚐美食。許多度假村提供高爾夫球包,包括住宿和開球時間,確保無縫和愉快的高爾夫假期。無論你是一個嚴重的高爾夫球手或隻是欣賞體育的悠閑的步伐,< a href = " https://ktjkrug.com/golf-resorts-puerto-rico/ " target = " _self”> <強>波多黎各的高爾夫度假勝地< /強> < / >結合運動和加勒比海豪華的難忘的經曆。< / P > 星期二,2023年8月22日07:58:16格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/puerto-rico-golf-resorts/m-p/40903 M132 ktjkrugllc 2023 - 08 - 22 - t07:58:16z 就像 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/like/m-p/40697 M131 太陽,20格林尼治時間2023年8月20:17:43 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/like/m-p/40697 M131 Masum_chouhdhur 2023 - 08 - 20 - t20:17:43z 不能完成課程 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/can-t-complete-courses/m-p/40029 M121 < P >你好,,< BR / > < BR / >我完成課程和認證評估的問題。< BR / >當我到達的部分“總結和下一步”沒有顯示,但是我不能進展或完成課程。< BR / > < BR / >你能幫助嗎?< / P > < BR / >謝謝! 結婚,2023年8月16日08:29:25格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/can-t-complete-courses/m-p/40029 M121 pedromota 2023 - 08 - 16 - t08:29:25z 有一個免費的實踐訓練數據工程師由磚在9月27日,這將幫助我們獲得知識三角洲湖…… https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/there-is-a-free-hands-on-training-session-conducted-by/m-p/31321 M105 < P >有一個免費的實踐訓練數據工程師由磚在9月27日,這將幫助我們獲得知識在三角洲湖和使我們能夠獲得一個免費券下麵的一個考試。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >磚認證副開發者Apache火花Python < / P > < P > 3.0 -磚認證副開發者Apache火花Scala 3.0 - < / P > < P >磚注冊數據工程師專業< / P > < P >磚注冊數據工程師副< / P > < P >磚認證的機器學習副< / P > < P >磚認證的機器學習專業< / P > < P >磚認證數據分析師助理< / P > < P > < / P > < P >先決條件——請登記在磚合作夥伴門戶< A href = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/signin " alt = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/signin " target = "平等" > < / >使用組織的電子郵件地址。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >請找到下麵的鏈接進一步的細節。< / P > < P > < / P > < P > < A href = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/catalog/view/57 " alt = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/catalog/view/57 " target = "平等" > DB006(免費住車間)磚學院-生活培訓班磚學習< / > < / P > < P > < / P > < P >如果鏈接不工作,去課程目錄,和滾動到底部,發現現場研討會,並選擇磚數據工程師和注冊自己。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >的人很容易就掌握得更好如果你經曆的基礎知識火花,Python / Scala和磚。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >請向你的同事轉達這個跳過這個郵件有興趣學習和利用這個提議與磚充實自己。< / P > < P > < / P > < P >學習快樂! ! ! < / P > 星期二,2022年9月20日06:15:25格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/there-is-a-free-hands-on-training-session-conducted-by/m-p/31321 M105 VPS1 2022 - 09 - 20 - t06:15:25z 磚新員工培訓的培訓(點)——開始使用磚 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-onboarding-training-dot-getting-started-with/m-p/39000 M97 < P > < SPAN >嗨社區成員! 

We are back! #Databricks is offering FREE persona-based onboarding trainings with LIVE #Databricks instructors , all across the globe ! Get ready to supercharge your data, analytics, and AI skills with Databricks!

  • Get Started with Databricks Platform Administration
  • Get Started with Data Analysis on Databricks
  • Get Started with Data Engineering on Databricks
  • Get Started with Machine Learning on Databricks
  • Get Started with Databricks for Business Leaders

In today's ever-evolving job market, staying ahead of the curve is critical. That's why upskilling and reskilling are top priorities for professionals . And guess what? #Databricks is the #1 surging technical skill in 2022, according to Udemy. 

The new schedule for Aug-Oct is now released.  Register here  to level up your data skills, and take your career to the next level !

星期四,2023年8月3日09:53:40格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-onboarding-training-dot-getting-started-with/m-p/39000 M97 s_park 2023 - 08 - 03 - t09:53:40z
“請稍等”虛擬事件注冊 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/quot-please-wait-quot-virtual-event-sign-up/m-p/38973 M94 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我試圖注冊虛擬活動名為“優勢Lakehouse”定於8月22日,2023年。< / P > < P >我想注冊多個瀏覽器和不同的機器,但我一直得到相同的行為(見圖片)。< / P > < P > submit按鈕顯示“請稍等”,它永遠不會解決。我真的等了2個小時。< / P > < P >我特別感興趣這個會話,這樣我可以獲得一個憑證向確實的事情。< / P > < P >謝謝你,< / P > < P > < / P > < P > <將跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-inline”圖片alt = " will_f_0 - 1691036260727。png”風格= "寬度:400 px;< img src = " https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/3043iF1D30B8436F750C6/image-size/medium? " >v=v2&px=400" role="button" title="Will_F_0-1691036260727.png" alt="Will_F_0-1691036260727.png" />


星期四,2023年8月3日04:21:43格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/quot-please-wait-quot-virtual-event-sign-up/m-p/38973 M94 Will_F 2023 - 08 - 03 - t04:21:43z
訪問數據磚學院FAQ https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/faq-on-accessing-databricks-academy/m-p/38961 M93 < P > <強>注冊/登錄問題< BR / > < /強> < SPAN >本節包含有關登錄/訪問常見問題,< / SPAN > < SPAN >磚學院。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > <強>如何創建奧斯卡帳戶?< BR / > < /強> < SPAN >步驟1:選擇門戶:< / SPAN > < A href = " https://customer-academy.m.eheci.com/learn " target = "平等" > < SPAN >客戶< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >,|,< / SPAN > < A href = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn " target = "平等" > < SPAN >夥伴< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >,|,< / SPAN > < A href = " https://microsoft-academy.m.eheci.com/learn " target = "平等" > < SPAN >微軟員工< / SPAN > < / > < BR / > < SPAN >第二步:點擊注冊並填寫所有的強製性的細節。< BR / > < / SPAN > < SPAN >第三步:選擇第二選項進入該公司的電子郵件地址。< BR / > < / SPAN > < SPAN >第四步:點擊注冊完成注冊過程。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > <強>如果我磚客戶但是沒有訪問< /強> <強>磚學院嗎?< BR / > < /強> < SPAN >遵循< / SPAN > < A href = " https://customer-academy.m.eheci.com/ " target = "平等" > < SPAN >這個鏈接< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >會自動進入磚學院作為客戶。請use  < / SPAN > < SPAN >貴公司注冊的域名。使用這些l < / SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN >墨< A href = " https://partner-academy.m.eheci.com/learn " target = "平等" > < SPAN >磚夥伴< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >和< / SPAN > < A href = " https://microsoft-academy.m.eheci.com/learn " target = "平等" > < SPAN >微軟員工< / SPAN > < / > < SPAN >。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > <強>如果我是磚客戶但用我的個人電子郵件地址拷貝< /強> <強>之前磚學院嗎?< BR / > < /強> < SPAN >請不要創建一個新帳戶。 Instead, please submit a support ticket and include the following with your support ticket:

  • Email, Employer/Company
  • Clarify that you are an existing customer, used your personal email address, and now need access to the new Databricks Academy.

What if I am not a Databricks customer but would like access to the Databricks Academy?
Follow this link to self-register for access to the Databricks Academy. If you are a non-Databricks customer, your new Databricks Academy login will give you access to view training offerings available for purchase including role-based learning paths and instructor-led courses. 

What do I do if I am an existing Databricks customer and cannot login to the Databricks Academy?
Please note that you must use your corporate email address to login to the Databricks Academy. Reset your password and submit a support ticket if issues persist. 

How can I locate all of the courses that are available to me?
Step 1: Log into your Databricks Academy Account.
Step 2: Click on the menu from the left top.
Step 3: Select Course Catalog and find all the courses available to you.

My question is not covered in the FAQ. What can I do?
Please submit a ticket to our help center for further assistance.

結婚,2023年8月02 19:04:18格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/faq-on-accessing-databricks-academy/m-p/38961 M93 jwu1 2023 - 08 - 02 - t19:04:18z
誤差在創建表時在Apache火花 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/error-when-creating-table-in-apache-spark-course/m-p/38867 M88 < P >我剛開始Apache火花磚學院的過程中,我遇到了以下錯誤。< / P > < P >當我運行命令:< / P > < DIV > < DIV > < DIV > < DIV > < SPAN > % sql < / SPAN > < / DIV > < DIV > < SPAN >創建< / SPAN > < SPAN >表< / SPAN > < SPAN >如果< / SPAN > < SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN >事件存在< / SPAN > < / DIV > < DIV > < SPAN >使用< / SPAN > < SPAN >鑲花< / SPAN > < SPAN > < / SPAN > < SPAN >選項(路徑< / SPAN > < SPAN >“/ mnt /培訓/電子商務/事件/ events.parquet”< / SPAN > < SPAN >); < / SPAN > < / DIV > < DIV >, < / DIV > < DIV >我得到錯誤信息:< / DIV > < DIV > < SPAN >錯誤在sql語句:AzureException: hadoop_azure_shaded.com.microsoft.azure.storage.StorageException:服務器無法驗證請求。確保授權頭形成正確的價值包括簽名。< / SPAN > < / DIV > < DIV >, < / DIV > < DIV > < SPAN >我跑設置行run  % fs坐騎我看到培訓文件。我新坐騎和這門課所以我不確定發生了什麼。在ASP的筆記本我在1.2 -磚平台。< / SPAN > < / DIV > < DIV >, < / DIV > Beplay体育安卓版本< DIV > < SPAN >請幫的人。< / SPAN > < / DIV > < / DIV > < / DIV > < / DIV > 星期二,2023年8月01 20:23:00格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/error-when-creating-table-in-apache-spark-course/m-p/38867 M88 DatBoi 2023 - 08 - 01 - t20:23:00z 生成AI徽章 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/generative-ai-badge/m-p/38808 M86 < P >嗨團隊,,< / P > < P >我已生成AI和完成了課程的考試,但沒有收到徽章後2天也隻< / P > < P >, < / P > < P >, < / P > 星期二,2023年8月01 07:17:52格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/generative-ai-badge/m-p/38808 M86 namitpatodi 2023 - 08 - 01 - t07:17:52z 無法打開git存儲庫 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/unable-to-open-git-repository/m-p/38736它 < P > git存儲庫鏈接”< A href = " https://github.com/databricks-academy/data-engineer-learning-path " target = "平等" > https://github.com/databricks-academy/data-engineer-learning-path < / >“不開放。這是目前學習頁麵的鏈接”< A href = " https://customer-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/course/1266/play/7838/navigating-the-course; lp = 10”目標= "平等" > https://customer-academy.m.eheci.com/learn/course/1266/play/7838/navigating-the-course; lp = 10 < / >”。請提供正確的鏈接下載git倉庫。< / P > 星期一,2023年7月31日05:08:04格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/unable-to-open-git-repository/m-p/38736它 Sangram 2023 - 07 - 31 - t05:08:04z 磚認證 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-certification/m-p/38431 M76 < P >你好,上個月我清除磚數據工程師助理認證。的培訓和實踐,我已經與我的社區版和夥伴學習門戶使用公司id。但在合作夥伴學習門戶網站,我找不到我的認證。我想知道是否有人知道我可以具體聯係我的公司郵件地址我收到的認證。< / P > 結婚,2023年7月26日00:12:15格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-certification/m-p/38431 M76 Akhil_Nair 2023 - 07 - 26 - t00:12:15z 現金購買驗證應用程序賬戶 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-verified-cash-app-accounts/m-p/38298 M75 < P >購買現金應用賬戶驗證。英國、美國、CA、來自電話號碼和駕照和信用卡添加CashApp。We have a huge team from which we provide

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2023年7月24日,星期一,20:06:07 GMT https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-verified-cash-app-accounts/m-p/38298 M75 okbro 2023 - 07 - 24 - t20:06:07z
錯誤數據工程2.2筆記本在執行SQL語句 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/error-in-data-engineering-2-2-notebook-when-executing-sql/m-p/37992 M74 < P >這筆記本充斥著錯誤。後解決one  < A href = " https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/data-engineering/problems-with-pandas-read-parquet-and-path/td-p/19655/page/2 " target = " _self”>這裏描述< / >,我遇到了另一個當試圖執行SQL語句的“從SQL數據庫提取數據”部分:< / P > < P >, < / P > < LI-CODE lang = "標記" >刪除表如果存在users_jdbc;創建表users_jdbc使用JDBC選項(url = " JDBC: sqlite: $ {DA.paths。ecommerce_db}”,數據表= "用戶")< / LI-CODE > < P >, < / P > < P >我得到這個錯誤:< / P > < P >, < / P > < LI-CODE lang = "標記" >在SQL語句錯誤:SQLException異常:路徑“/ dbfs / mnt / dbacademy-users /{我的用戶}/ data-engineer-learning-path /電子商務。db”:“/ dbfs / mnt”不存在< / LI-CODE > < P >, < / P > < P >評論後的部分代碼如下所示:< / P > < P >, < / P > < LI-CODE lang =“python”> # dbutils.fs將臨時數據庫移動到最後位置。mv (f文件:{db_temp_path}, DA.paths.ecommerce_db) DA.paths。ecommerce_db = DA.paths。ecommerce_db #。替換(“dbfs: / / dbfs /) < / LI-CODE > < P >, < / P > < P >我得到這個錯誤:,< / P > < P >, < / P > < LI-CODE lang = "標記" >在SQL語句錯誤:SQLException異常:路徑dbfs: / mnt / dbacademy-users /{我的用戶}/ data-engineer-learning-path /電子商務。db‘:’/磚/司機/ dbfs:“不存在< / LI-CODE > < P >, < / P > < P > < BR / >我不知道如何調試。如果有誰知道如何解決這個問題,我將非常感激隻< / P > < P >磚應該更新這個筆記本…< / P > 結婚,2023年7月19日23:46:55格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/error-in-data-engineering-2-2-notebook-when-executing-sql/m-p/37992 M74 leandrob13 2023 - 07 - 19 - t23:46:55z 買穀歌五星級評論 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-google-5-star-reviews/m-p/37695 M55 < P > < BR / > <字體大小=“6”>買穀歌五星級評論< / FONT > < / P > < P > <標題= "購買穀歌五星級評論" href = " http://%20https / /worldsmmit.com/service/buy-google-5-star-reviews/ "目標= " _self”>買穀歌五星級評論< / >我們正在全球來自美國國土的人;提醒你,這隻基礎平台。Beplay体育安卓版本你可以從我們穀歌< / P > < P > <字體= " comic sans ms,無襯線" >聯係我們:➤電報:< a href = " https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/84488 " > @worldsmmit < / >➤Skype: worldsmmit < / FONT > < / P > 太陽,2023年7月16日06:47:11格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-google-5-star-reviews/m-p/37695 M55 Habol 2023 - 07 - 16 - t06:47:11z 恭喜你!現在,您已經完成了生成人工智能基礎課程。 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/congratulations-you-ve-now-completed-the-generative-ai/m-p/37685 M54 < P >我在哪裏可以找到這個評價? ?< / P > < H3 >下一步< / H3 > < UL > <李>請評估這門課通過一個簡短的,< SPAN >, < / SPAN > <標題= " https://databricks.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6zMiXNxAfa7IQjY?course_id=1765& course_title =生成% 20 ai % 20基本麵”href = " https://databricks.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6zMiXNxAfa7IQjY?course_id=1765& course_title =生成% 20 ai % 20基本麵”目標=“平等”rel = " noopener noreferrer " > < / >一分鍾調查。你的反饋是有價值的,幫助我們改善我們的課程。李李< / > < >技術概論LLM的具體來說,請參閱課程:,大型語言模型(llm):通過生產應用程序。本課程是可以通過磚學院隻本課程是針對開發人員,數據科學家和工程師們建造LLM-centric應用最新的和最流行的框架。李李< / > < > <字體顏色= " # FF0000 " > <強>把磚生成AI基本麵徽章!通過完成10分鍾生成人工智能基礎評估(可在磚DB002學院目錄,DB005A),你將獲得一個磚生成AI的徽章,你可以顯示你的社交網絡。< /強> < / FONT >這個評估將測試你的知識對相關基本概念生成人工智能,你在這門課學到< /李> < / UL > 太陽,2023年7月16日00:39:38格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/congratulations-you-ve-now-completed-the-generative-ai/m-p/37685 M54 MRLou 2023 - 07 - 16 - t00:39:38z 買Coinbase驗證帳戶 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-verified-coinbase-account/m-p/37660 M53 < P > < BR / >購買驗證Coinbase賬戶< BR / > # buy-verified-coinbase-account / < BR / > < A href = " https://usglobalshop.com/product/buy-verified-coinbase-account/ " target = "平等" > https://usglobalshop.com/product/buy-verified-coinbase-account/ < / > < BR / > usglobalshop最好的地方買Coinbase驗證賬戶美國、英國,CA,非盟和超過100 + country& # 039; s驗證Coinbase賬戶< / P > < P > skype生活:usglobalshop < BR / >電報:@usglobalshop < BR / > WhatsApp: + 1 (929) 456 - 3093 < BR / >電子郵件:Usaglobalshop@Gmail.Com < / P > 坐,格林尼治時間2023年7月15日13:29:18 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/buy-verified-coinbase-account/m-p/37660 M53 Coinbase55 2023 - 07 - 15 - t13:29:18z 沒有認證的“大型語言模型(llm):應用程序通過生產” https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/no-certification-for-quot-large-language-models-llms-application/m-p/37655 M51

Hi Team, 

I successfully completed the new course launched: "Large Language Models (LLMs): Application through Production" a couple of days ago. I have been waiting for a completion/earned certificate for this, but haven't received it yet. 

However, I received certification for a similar course "Generative AI Fundamentals" on the very day of completion.

Kindly help with the certificate generation.



坐,格林尼治時間2023年7月15日06:52:59 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/no-certification-for-quot-large-language-models-llms-application/m-p/37655 M51 Mohith7548 2023 - 07 - 15 - t06:52:59z
路徑訪問 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/pathway-access/m-p/37226 M47 < P >有人能夠幫助。我們是一個Azure磚,應該獲得客戶的培訓途徑補充道,但似乎並不工作。支持不回答任何問題或擔憂。有什麼需要做的完全訪問所有客戶免費培訓。文檔顯示賬戶將被創建利用電子郵件地址從azure和我們需要重置,但沒有運氣。創建一個賬戶隻是給一些免費的模塊訪問路徑已經沒有顯示全部免費客戶培訓。< / P > 坐,08年7月2023 15:45:36 GMT https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/pathway-access/m-p/37226 M47 KevinDBA 2023 - 07 - 08 - t15:45:36z 數據工程助理培訓指不再存在GitHub回購 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/data-engineering-associate-training-referring-to-no-longer/m-p/36879 M40

Data Engineering with Databricks V3 makes reference to 'https://github.com/databricks-academy/data-engineer-learning-path' which is no longer available - courseware and/or github should be updated appropriately

星期一,2023年7月3日23:43:45格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/data-engineering-associate-training-referring-to-no-longer/m-p/36879 M40 dplante 2023 - 07 - 03 - t23:43:45z
磚峰會2023 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-summit-2023/m-p/36393 M35 < P >高級數據工程類順利。這是有趣的學習更多的關於流。< / P > < P >, < / P > 星期四,2023年6月29日21:47:09格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/training-offerings/databricks-summit-2023/m-p/36393 M35 cjacket 2023 - 06 - 29 t21:47:09z