開始討論話題 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/bd-p/get-started-with-databricks-discussion 開始討論話題 坐,2023年8月12日12:55:30格林尼治時間 get-started-with-databricks-discussion 2023 - 08 - 12 - t12:55:30z δ-替代config.share共享 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/delta-sharing-alternative-to-config-share/m-p/39694 M708 < P >我最近被授予一個證書文件通過三角洲共享訪問共享數據。I am following the documentation from https://docs.m.eheci.com/en/data-sharing/read-data-open.html. The documentation wants the contents of the credential file in a folder in DBFS. I would like to use Azure Key Vault instead.

Therefore, instead of using (under "Step 2: Use a notebook to list and read shared tables" in the above URL):

client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(f"/dbfs/<dbfs-path>/config.share")


I am using:

credentials = dbutils.secrets.get(scope='redacted', key='redacted')

profile = delta_sharing.protocol.DeltaSharingProfile.from_json(credentials)

client = delta_sharing.SharingClient(profile=profile)


The above works fine. I can list the tables. Now I would like to load a table using Spark. The documentation suggests using

delta_sharing.load_as_spark(f"<profile-path>#<share-name>.<schema-name>.<table-name>", version=<version-as-of>)

But that relies on having stored the contents of the credential file in a folder in DBFS and using that path for <profile-path>. Is there an alternative way to do this with the "profile" variable I am using? By the way, the code is bold instead of formatted in code blocks because I kept getting errors that prevented me from posting.

星期五,2023年8月11日21:11:34格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/delta-sharing-alternative-to-config-share/m-p/39694 M708 alex-syk 2023 - 08 - 11 - t21:11:34z
Apache火花熟練 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/apache-spark-proficient/m-p/39550 M703

What is the best way to be proficient in Apache spark?

星期四,2023年8月10 20:47:15格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/apache-spark-proficient/m-p/39550 M703 SamAWS 2023 - 08 - 10 - t20:47:15z
為PostgreSQL連接任何數據庫名稱字段 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/no-database-name-field-for-postgresql-connection/m-p/39490 M699 < P >我想被連接到我的工作空間設置PostgreSQL數據庫。我在< A href = " https://docs.m.eheci.com/en/query-federation/postgresql.html " target = " _self”>這篇文章< / >。說明在“創建一個連接”是失敗的,因為我的連接需要一個數據庫名稱。然而,支持的數據庫名稱不是一個變量。選擇做什麼我必須連接到我的數據庫? < / P > 星期四,2023年8月10 05:06:21格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/no-database-name-field-for-postgresql-connection/m-p/39490 M699 jlmontie 2023 - 08 - 10 - t05:06:21z 按照不同的集群類型hive_metastore訪問控製 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/hive-metastore-access-control-by-different-cluster-type/m-p/39478 M698 < P >你好磚社區,< / P > < P >我伸出hive_metastore查詢關於訪問控製。我遇到我想更好地理解行為和潛在的地址。< / P > < P >來說明這句話的語境是:< / P > < UL > <李>我設置三個用戶出於測試目的:管理,dataengineer1, dataanalyst1。李李< / > < > admin用戶授予權限dataengineer1三具體表:電路、country_regions,和結果。< /李> < / UL > < P > <強>案例1:< /強>在使用SQL倉庫(如截圖所示,貼上serverless-sql-wh)或一個集群共享訪問模式,dataengineer1隻能查看表的權限。這是預期的行為。


Case 2: However, when a Single User Access mode cluster is activated (in the screenshot, labeled as dataengineer1@d...), dataengineer1 can view all schemas and tables. This is not the desired behavior.



I'm hoping to find a solution that ensures even in Single User Access Mode, users can only access Schemas and Tables for which they have permission.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I value the expertise of this community and look forward to your responses.

Thank you


結婚,09年2023年8月22:01:36格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/hive-metastore-access-control-by-different-cluster-type/m-p/39478 M698 DeltaTrain 2023 - 08 - 09 - t22:01:36z
計算集群,SQL倉庫不是開始,AWS https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/compute-cluster-sql-warehouse-not-starting-aws/m-p/39475 M697 < P >, < / P > < P >我用“< SPAN > AWSQuickstartCloudformationLambda < / SPAN >“創建工作區AWS一邊在我試驗環境和堆棧中創建成功但磚一邊計算集群不是開始。錯誤說:< / P > < P > <強> Aws授權失敗< /強> < SPAN >: < BR / >失敗發生在與Aws,代碼:UnauthorizedOperation信息:你未被授權執行該操作。Encoded authorization failure message: Unable to locate credentials. You can configure credentials by running "aws configure"

Is there a problem with cloudformation template ? I would assume the integration should work if cloud formation succeeds. Any help would be appreciated

結婚,09年2023年8月21:05:01格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/compute-cluster-sql-warehouse-not-starting-aws/m-p/39475 M697 mallesh2088 2023 - 08 - 09 - t21:05:01z
工作空間區域 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/workspace-region/m-p/39344 M683

ERRORYour workspace region is not yet supported for model serving, please see https://docs.m.eheci.com/machine-learning/model-serving/index.html#region-availability for a list of supported regions.

The account is in ap-south-1. I can see there is no cross? Does X means available or not available?

Also can account and workspace can have different region?If yes how to check and modify that

星期二,2023年8月08年11:20:27格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/workspace-region/m-p/39344 M683 priyanka08 2023 - 08年- 08 - t11:20:27z
Azure磚筆記本不能重命名 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/azure-databricks-notebook-can-t-be-renamed/m-p/39294 M682 < P >你好,< / P > < P >我新磚和剛剛開始使用我的工作項目。我一直很努力創建測試筆記本電腦用於實踐目的,但是當我試圖重命名它,隻是通過點擊標題或點擊編輯的文件,它顯示“< SPAN >元素重命名失敗:方法不允許”。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >還當我試圖將一個筆記本移至另一個文件夾中時,它顯示了類似的消息:“法不允許”。< / SPAN > < / P > < P > < SPAN >誰知道是怎麼回事?我超級需要這個項目。謝謝! < / SPAN > < / P > 媽,07年8月2023 19:41:48 GMT https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/azure-databricks-notebook-can-t-be-renamed/m-p/39294 M682 luna675 2023 - 08年- 07 - t19:41:48z 磚集群的發射時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databricks-cluster-launch-time/m-p/39108 M668 < P >嗨團隊,< / P > < P >我們有一個< a href = " https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/19819 " > @adf < / >管道將運行一些組活動# Azure磚筆記本之前被調用。當筆記本被稱為我們的管道將推出一個新的集群的每一份工作的工作計算標準與單個工人F4節點。啟動集群本身正在~ 7分鍾這增加了整體ADF管道運行時。< / P > < P >你能建議一個解決方案來減少集群啟動時間?< / P > < P >注意:我們的ADF管道有一個基於事件觸發時將運行,有一個文件來ADLS又是;我們不能有一個集群創建和運行所有的時間,因為它影響成本。< / P > < / P > < P >感謝 星期五,2023年8月04 12:36:44格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databricks-cluster-launch-time/m-p/39108 M668 Farzana 2023 - 08 - 04 - t12:36:44z GDAL磚集群上運行時12.2 LTS https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/gdal-on-databricks-cluster-runtime-12-2-lts/m-p/39091 M662 < P >我需要gdal在我的課程。

After reading this post, I used init script as follows to install gdal into runtime 12.2 LTS



dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/scripts/gdal_install.sh",""" #!/bin/bash sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y cmake gdal-bin libgdal-dev python3-gdal""", True)




The init script ran and cluster could start properly but when i run import gdal in notebook, i get the following error:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gdal'

I also tried installing gdal into the cluster via Maven repository, it does not work either.

May I know what I can do to get gdal installed properly?

Thank you.












星期五,2023年8月04 10:01:20格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/gdal-on-databricks-cluster-runtime-12-2-lts/m-p/39091 M662 數控 2023 - 08 - 04 - t10:01:20z
工作運行失敗了,因為任務依賴關係類型是暫時禁用 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/the-job-run-failed-because-task-dependency-types-are-temporarily/m-p/39089 M661 我在最近發布的條件任務(< A href = " https://docs.m.eheci.com/en/workflows/jobs/conditional-tasks.html " target = "平等" > https://docs.m.eheci.com/en/workflows/jobs/conditional-tasks.html < / >)。我已經創建了一個工作流的葉任務取決於多個任務和其run_if AT_LEAST_ONE_SUCCESS屬性設置。然而,當我試圖運行工作流立刻失敗”工作運行失敗了,因為任務依賴關係類型是暫時禁用”,我找不到任何解釋錯誤信息的在線文檔。誰能分享更多信息嗎? 星期五,2023年8月04 09:44:02格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/the-job-run-failed-because-task-dependency-types-are-temporarily/m-p/39089 M661 GabrieleMuciacc 2023 - 08 - 04 - t09:44:02z 磚獎勵的門戶和點稱讚 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databricks-rewards-portal-and-the-points-credited-in-it/m-p/39018 M652

@Sujitha Hi Sujitha, Could you please let us know when we can see the Databricks rewards portal and we hope that the points credited over there will remain the same. Please update on these 2. 

星期四,2023年8月3日11:44:53格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databricks-rewards-portal-and-the-points-credited-in-it/m-p/39018 M652 KVNARK 2023 - 08 - 03 - t11:44:53z
Databrickscommunity獎勵商店不工作 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databrickscommunity-reward-store-is-not-working/m-p/38993 M648

Hi Guys,


Does anybody know when the Databricks community reward store portal will open?

I see it's still under construction


@Kaniz @Sujitha 



星期四,2023年8月3日07:32:53格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/databrickscommunity-reward-store-is-not-working/m-p/38993 M648 yogu 2023 - 08 - 03 - t07:32:53z
工作運行列表API請求的響應沒有下/ prev_page_token字段 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/response-for-list-job-runs-api-request-doesn-t-have-next-prev/m-p/38991 M647 < P >你好,< / P > < P >當我做GET請求來獲取列表的工作運行使用的< SPAN > / api / 2.1 /工作/運行/列表”沒有“prev_page_token”,“next_page_token”領域的反應,盡管“has_more:真”。 

Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 09.23.13.png

星期四,2023年8月3日07:25:47格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/response-for-list-job-runs-api-request-doesn-t-have-next-prev/m-p/38991 M647 jgrycz 2023 - 08 - 03 - t07:25:47z
DLT管道/輪包找不到自定義庫 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/dlt-pipeline-unable-to-find-custom-libraries-wheel-packages/m-p/38987 M646 < P >我們DLT管道和我們需要導入自定義庫打包在輪文件。< / P > < P >我們在Azure DBX和我們使用Az DevOps CI / CD來構建和部署輪包在我們的DBX的環境。


In the top of our DLT notebook we are importing the wheel package as below

%pip install /dbfs/Libraries/whls/{wheel_file_name}.whl

On execution of the pipeline we get the below error

CalledProcessError: Command 'pip --disable-pip-version-check install /dbfs/Libraries/whls/{wheel_file_name}.whl' returned non-zero exit status 1.,None,Map(),Map(),List(),List(),Map())

And from the logs you can see that the file is not accessible:

Python interpreter will be restarted. WARNING: Requirement '/dbfs/Libraries/whls/{wheel_file_name}.whl' looks like a filename, but the file does not exist Processing /dbfs/Libraries/whls/{wheel_file_name}.whl ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dbfs/Libraries/whls/{wheel_file_name}.whl'

knowing that the file exists already, when checked from the DBFS Explore UI screen.

We've tried to list the available folders and files accessible by the DLT Pipeline node and we got the below:

Files in the ROOT Directory: ['mnt', 'tmp', 'local_disk0', 'dbfs', 'Volumes', 'Workspace', . . . . .] Files in the ROOT/dbfs Directory: []

As you can see dbfs looks empty and it doesn't contain any folder or file, which we can see and access from the DBFS explorer ui portal.


Volumes and Workspace files are accessible from the pipeline, but:

- Uploading to Volumes giving Error uploading without additional details to know the issue, even uploading manually from the UI

- Workspace/shared...: Files are accessible but the problem that it's not working with CI/CD pipelines to automatically push wheel files from there, so we need to upload them manually.


Any idea, how can we overcome this, and to be able to upload the wheel files via Azure DevOps to the DBX environment and to be able to import them in our DLT pipelines?


星期四,2023年8月3日07:13:11格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/dlt-pipeline-unable-to-find-custom-libraries-wheel-packages/m-p/38987 M646 Fz1 2023 - 08 - 03 - t07:13:11z
工作流:運行相關的任務,盡管早些時候任務失敗 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/workflows-running-dependent-task-despite-earlier-task-fail/m-p/38970 M643 < P >我有一個計劃任務運行工作流。< BR / > < BR / >任務1計算一些參數然後這些是被依賴的報告任務:任務2。< / P > < P >我希望Task 2報告“失敗”如果Task 1失敗。然而創建一個工作流的依賴意味著Task 2不會運行如果Task 1失敗。< BR / > < BR / >什麼建議我如何防止參數共享和依賴任務1 - 2,但也允許Task 2火甚至在任務1的失敗?< BR / > < BR / >編輯:現在附上截圖,顯示任務2跳過任務1的失敗。< BR / > < BR / > < / P > 星期四,2023年8月3日05:54:33格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/workflows-running-dependent-task-despite-earlier-task-fail/m-p/38970 M643 sharpbetty 2023 - 08 - 03 - t05:54:33z 有什麼不同類型集群在磚life_cycle_state工作 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/what-are-the-different-types-life-cycle-state-in-databricks-for/m-p/38884 M632

We are trying to get cluster life_cycle_state using API and we are able to get various values as below

Is there any other values apart from above values it would be a great help.

結婚,2023年8月02 06:01:16格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/what-are-the-different-types-life-cycle-state-in-databricks-for/m-p/38884 M632 shreyassharmabh 2023 - 08 - 02 - t06:01:16z
液體聚類 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/liquid-clustering/m-p/38879 M631 < P >嗨團隊,< / P > < P >你能幫助我們理解,< / P > < P > 1)績效基準的液態聚類相比,z順序和分區。< / P > < P > 2)它帶來多少成本/節省相比,z順序和分區< / P > < P >問候,< / P > < P > Phanindra < / P > 結婚,2023年8月02 03:53:14格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/liquid-clustering/m-p/38879 M631 Phani1 2023 - 08 - 02 - t03:53:14z 快精益Pro加拿大公元前|惠斯勒(快瘦Pro(英國、澳大利亞、加拿大) https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/fast-lean-pro-canada-whistler-bc-fast-lean-pro-uk-australia/m-p/38695 M623 < H2 > < >強精益Pro是什麼快?< /強> < / H2 > < P >快速瘦Pro是一個粉膳食補充劑,號稱可以幫助你燃燒脂肪,快速減肥。這個補充的製造商兜售他們的公式是“你從未嚐試過或經曆過在你的生命中。“他們聲稱這是唯一減肥公式在市場上,由共有11個純天然,高度有效的成分,齊心協力,根據製造商的網站,“欺騙你的大腦思考你禁食和維持健康的體重無論當你吃什麼。" < / P > < P > <你> <強> < A href = " https://350382fmv-9w9s8egn4fn6q9ub.hop.clickbank.net " target = " _self”>訂單快速瘦職業健康這裏最好的價格! !< / > < /強> < / U > < / P > < H2 >常見問題(FAQ) < / H2 > < H3 >是快速瘦職業安全嗎?< / H3 > < P >快速瘦Pro似乎是一個安全的公式,因為專有的混合成分不是很集中。此外,它包含組件,在現有的研究上得到或者已經成為主食。18歲以下的人,以及那些護理或懷孕建議不使用快速瘦Pro。人預先存在的醫療條件、醫療專家谘詢避免任何潛在風險的相互作用是至關重要的。< / P > < H3 >中其他成分快速瘦親我要尋找嗎?< / H3 > < P >其他成分的維生素和礦物質已經被添加到快速瘦Pro公式,如< SPAN >, < / SPAN > <強>煙酸< /強> < SPAN >, < / SPAN >(20毫克),< SPAN >, < / SPAN > <強>維生素B12 < /強> < SPAN >, < / SPAN >(5微克)和< SPAN >, < / SPAN > <強> < /強>鉻< SPAN >, < / SPAN >(123微克)。< / P > < H3 >快速精益專業應如何消費?< / H3 > < P >人要求添加一個服務(即。, one scoop) to 6 to 8 ounces of coffee, green tea, black tea, or any preferred beverage one to two times per day. Any of the three main beverage bases stated previously produces the best outcomes for promoting autophagy, and therefore, cell renewal.

What are the claimed benefits of taking Fast Lean Pro?

At large, individuals should see or feel any combination of the below listed benefits over time:

  • Healthy fat metabolism and increased calorie burning
  • Healthy cell, skin, and overall bodily renewal
  • Insulin rebalancing and suppressed appetite
  • Increased good bacteria production in the gut

Order Fast Lean Pro Health Right Here At The Best Prices!!

How many servings do each Fast Lean Pro container comprise?

Each Fast Lean Pro container delivers 30 servings.

Is there any restriction on how Fast Lean Pro should be stored?

To upkeep Fast Lean Pro’s integrity, individuals are asked to store the supplement in a cool dry place below 30-degrees Celsius (or equivalently, 86-degrees Fahrenheit).

What is the expected delivery time for Fast Lean Pro shipments?

All orders will be processed and dispatched within the first two business days. Orders to the continental United States are expected to arrive between 5 and 7 business days. Orders to Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand may take up to 15 business days. Tracking information should arrive to one’s respective inboxes within the first 60 hours.

Order Fast Lean Pro Health Right Here At The Best Prices!!

星期五,2023年7月28日18:19:17格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/fast-lean-pro-canada-whistler-bc-fast-lean-pro-uk-australia/m-p/38695 M623 Coomtiturty 2023 - 07 - 28 - t18:19:17z
火花的英語磚Community edition的SDK https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/spark-english-sdk-in-databricks-community-edition/m-p/38685 M622 < P >隨時閱讀一篇關於如何使用英語sdk apache在磚community edition的火花。< / P > < P >鏈接:< A href = " https://medium.com/@punitchauhan771 / exploring-the-english-sdk-for-spark-databricks-7bff6aa438d7”目標= " _self”> English_SDK_For_Apache_Spark < / > < / P > 星期五,2023年7月28日16:10:42格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/spark-english-sdk-in-databricks-community-edition/m-p/38685 M622 Prototype998 2023 - 07 - 28 - t16:10:42z 在那裏我得到EndoPeak補充? https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/where-i-get-endopeak-supplement/m-p/38625 M618 < P > < A href = " https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.australia/ " target = " _self”> <強> EndoPeak < /強> < / >然後被困在雨水落在地上。另一個新的研究發現,石榴汁,用於對抗心髒病,EndoPeak也推動了男性的性欲。有幾個方法可以告訴如果一些作品,除了自己。< / P > < P > EndoPeak藥丸的配方是完全不同與其他市場的藥丸。一些男人和非常小的* *發出嗶嗶聲* *甚至翻倍大小的* *發出嗶嗶聲* *。不過,使用它們的人仍然可以在他的經驗略有增加做愛的欲望以及他增加性耐力。別再猶豫了,這是唯一你需要的產品。< / P > < P > < A href = " https://gethealth24.com/endopeak/ " target = " _self”> <強> https://gethealth24.com/endopeak/ < /強> < / > < BR / > < A href = " https://www.facebook.com/endopeak/ " target = " _self”> <強> https://www.facebook.com/endopeak/ < /強> < / > < BR / > < A href = " https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.review/ " target = " _self”> <強> https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.review/ < /強> < / > < BR / > < A href = " https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.ca/ " target = " _self”> <強> https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.ca/ < /強> < / > < BR / > <強> < A href = " https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.australia/ " target = "平等" > https://www.facebook.com/endopeak.australia/ < / > < BR / > <跨類=“lia-inline-image-display-wrapper lia-image-align-center”圖片alt =“EndoPeak曼聯States.jpg”風格=“寬度:820 px;”> < img src = " https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/3008i5B86024324F72057/image-size/large/is-moderation-mode/true?v=v2&px=999" role="button" title="EndoPeak United States.jpg" alt="EndoPeak United States.jpg" />



星期五,2023年7月28日05:23:26格林尼治時間 https://community.m.eheci.com/t5/get-started-discussions/where-i-get-endopeak-supplement/m-p/38625 M618 EndoPeakbuy 2023 - 07 - 28 - t05:23:26z